My desire to capture the beauty that surrounds us through my eyes is a gift from God. He has put this passion in my heart and each photo I take praises and glorifies Him. For it is the Lord God who brought forth all life on earth and it is breathtaking. It is truly a joy to see the world as He sees it – with LOVE!

My interest in photography first began when I got the itch to travel the world.  My first camera was a  point and shoot. Then I met a new friend, a world traveler herself, who soon became one of my travel mates. She had one of those fancy cameras – a DSLR. Well that just made me want a fancy camera as well. With the purchase of my first DSLR, it eventually led me to learn photography more in depth. I began taking classes – basic at first, then more in depth. Now my desire is to become a professional photographer, a photojournalist to be exact, as this I believe will lead me toward my future ministry.

I pray that you may be wonderfully blessed as you display one of my fine works of art in your home.